Did you know that 50% of the population suffer from gingival (gum) resorption?
So the chances of you having it is 1 in 2
Key problems
- If left, gum recession causes infections, tooth weakness, root recession, bone erosion and loss of teeth.
- the problem doesn’t discriminate as it’s been found in patients with good and bad levels of oral hygiene.
- While patients visit the dentist for general treatments like dental check-ups, fillings and dental cleaning treatment, these don’t take into account gum and/or a lack of bone until signs are obvious.
- Even then, trauma caused by dental procedures such as scaling, laser treatment or through habitual problems like bruxism can exacerbate it.
ESG is a revolutionary tool that prevents gingival (gum) recession from occurring in the first place. It can also be used to treat existing problems like periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and periimplantitis (a pathological condition affecting the tissues around dental implants, thus avoiding further invasive and costly treatments.
Used in the comfort of your own home without the need for repeated dental visits. Use 2 hours a day for 60 days to see multiple benefits.
- Preserving natural teeth for longer
- Negating the need to spend on tooth replacement options like dental implants
- No need for weekly trips to your dentist
How does it work?
Device utilises gentle magnetic pulses to reduce the action of osteoclasts (cells that destroy bone tissue and increase the number of osteoblasts (cells that regenerate new bone tissue).
Anti Infla-Aging
Due to higher sugar rate, nicotine and inclusion of other chemicals in our food there is at most of the people a chronic inflammation within our mandibular and maxillary bone. Of course bucal microbes may worsen bone inflammation but there are today good antimicrobial treatments and bone chronic inflammation advances despite impeccable hygiene.
As a result of chronic inflammation bone has a reduced resistance to inevitable occlusal forces (occlusion is never perfect and generates during milliseconds of each bite that entire masticatory forces is supported by 1 single teeth) or to maintain during time a very thin layer of proteoglycans around dental implants.
Accordingly, if we do not take as soon as possible measures to reduce yearly the bone inflamation, the gum recession or increased layer of proteoglycans around implants appears and sugerate very bad prognostic.
Together with all aspects of clasical dentistry (hygienisation, bridge rehabilitation, implants) patients need to start as soon as possible treatments which belong to recently described as Functional Medicine based on Inflammaging which proved to be able to generate a good homeostasys and a well balanced ratio between osteoblast cells and osteoclasts cells. This will ensure a much better behavior in case of any injury ( forces, chemicals, general diseases) for roots and implants.
A yearly maintenance subscription with Electronic Stem Generator is recommended to start as soon as possible as it is totally non- traumatic and will be realised at home, in free time, without affecting daily programme of anybody.
Subscribe now!
Send a panoramic x-ray to info@stemgenerator.com
Subscription: 4500 euro/year*
*VAT not applicable
Cost covers
- Custom treatment plan
- Rental of equipment
- 100 hours of treatment